Sunday 5 May 2013

Exp 2: Week 3 - Real Time Shots & Five Images

Real Time Shots of Model






Five Images

Aerial View of the building

View from stairs to balcony

View from stairs to Seijima monument
Both monuments have a small monolith with a lighting effect on them because as the night comes, the environment and landscape become extremely dark. Thus the lighting places a greater emphasis on the monument as well as lighting up the entire space.

Staircase to Tange's monument
The stairs created to circulate between both monuments was also given thought and consideration. The stairs leading to Tange's monument are much more narrow and rigid leading downwards, accentuating the confining atmosphere of the monument, which is in stark contrast to the openness and exposed nature of Seijima's staircase.

View from balcony to monument
The balcony and viewing area were added to meld the ideas of danger and safety within the building. The people can view the landscape from the safety of the building through the glass or they can experience it outside on the balcony.

Selection of Landscape

I chose this landscape as I believed it shared an affinity with the connection between both architects and their characteristics. This cliff side landscape connects both the solidarity, rigidity and confined nature of the land and cliff sides with the free-flowing vast open and exposed ocean. This type of landscape suited the architects as its characteristics matched the qualities of the buildings designed by the architects, with examples including Tange's Yoyogi Gymnasium and Hiroshima Peace Museum as well as Seijima's Rolex Learning Centre and Shibaura House.

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